Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy Anniversary, Galen

Cupid Please Throw Your Spear
(written 1 month before I met my love for life...29 years ago)
Sometimes I sit and think about
What purpose am I here
My life's had no direction
For it seems like it's been years
I wonder if I'll bring
The man who's in my dreams
I'd like to wait and find him
But my soul just yells and screams
You need someone who's dear
You need someone to be near to
You need someone to love
So cupid...Please throw your spear to
The man who's in my dreams
It seems a lot to ask for
And a useless task to search
He's handsome, gentle, passionate, understanding
witty, independent, successful, athletic, funloving
And making love is like fireworks
I need someone to love
I need someone to be near to
This lonliness I've had enough
So cupid, please throw your spear to
The man who's in my dreams
You can manifest things in your life when you let passion and emotion flow through you from the place of desire, happiness and what it will FEEL like to have it.
It worked for me.

1 comment:

J. Keeler said...

Happy Anniversary you two love-birds!
